
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Just a tribute

Busy prepping the house for next weekend - the weather is gorgeous and WARM - so yard cleaning (Patty Gasparino - we could have used your children), and putting up holiday lights and decorations have been the job today.  I also delivered my art pieces to the Shiawassee Art Center today.  Always a small world - I walk in to the check in room, and there is a fellow vendor from The Schoolhouse days!   She does wonderful stained glass items - can't wait to see them.  The public reception and kick off for the holiday event is next SUNDAY - if I'm not completely wiped out from the 3 day, I may try to attend.
And now for that tribute - on a sad note, amidst the prep and the cleaning, I received a phone call that my brothers beloved Bruiser - his wife's Yorkie that turned into HIS Yorkie from the day they met - has passed away today.  We believe, as do the folks that did numerous tests at the vet clinic at the college, that he was a victim of that horrible dog treat salmonella outbreak from the summer.  Bye, Bruiser boy.  We will all miss you - Mark most of all. 

Photo credit goes to Holly Mayes, Photos from the Heart (and incidentally, also Mark's wife).

Don't forget to make a quick comment to be in the running for the Mix It Up bead and component mix giveaway on Thanksgiving!
Peaceful beading,


ZenithJade said...

Sooo sorry about the puppy. It's insanely hard to lose a beloved pet. :(

I am interested in entering your contest. :) Sounds like fun! I hope I'm commenting in the right place. :) If not, shoot me an email at to let me know, and then I'll comment in the right place. LOL!

Condolences for Mark and Holly.


coolmoon said...

Yes, Andrea - this is the right place! Your name is in "the hat"!

Unknown said...

Sorry about Bruiser. The lose of a family member is never easy.

I smiled when reading that someone else was dealing with mountains of leaves. It's windy today, and I'm hoping our two million (I'm guessing) don't blow back in the yard.

coolmoon said...

Mountains doesn't even begin to cut our piles, either, Skylar. We try to compost as many as we can, and use many for mulch - but there are so many that we've sort of started our own little berm along the back of the lot, which unfortunately DOES give us more raking to do after a windy day like today. ~SIGH~
Thanks for commenting! Good luck on the giveaway!

KayzKreationz said...

So sorry. Our pets are so precious, it's hard to lose one. Hope your brother doesn't let it get him down too bad. Thoughts to all.