
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

What a great year 2014 has been!  I can only hope for bigger and BETTER things in 2015.
I DO know that I'll be starting it out with the brand new Feb/March 2015 BEADWORK in my hot little hands - I'm one of the Challenge participants for this issue - and I can't WAIT to see what "Metallique Chique" looks like in PRINT!  I'll be sure to share a photo and details after the issue has been released!

I hope that you and your families and friends experience all the wonders of the holiday season.
If you are a New Years resolution maker - I wish you luck and good results.  I don't usually make them - too much pressure! - but I think I am this year.  My resolution is to have more


for the attitudes of customer service reps and sales clerks.  I have to remember that they are (for the most part) doing their best, and that I've been in their shoes.   I will try to be calmer, nicer, and happier.  EVEN with that ONE impossibly horrible one....

I may have time to 'see you' in the next week or so, but if not - see you next year!  As always....

Peaceful beading,

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