Wearing pink is what one successful jewelry seller has said is one of her keys to success as shows and art fairs. And I’ve tested her theory – I’ve had both success – and not so much. I personally think it all comes down to drawing people in – and keeping people in. BE FRIENDLY. Hiding behind a book and not greeting people is NOT a good way to make a sale. Now mind you – I DO take a book – or more likely crossword puzzles and sometimes even a bead project - to keep me busy during those lulls and sometimes just plain DEAD hours during shows. But the MINUTE a customer walks up to my table, and into my space – I’m saying hello, pointing out highlights and sale items, and making sure they know I’m available.
And yesterday – it took me ALL DAY to finish that darn puzzle! It started slow – and ended, well….wow. AWESOME DAY. With AWESOME SAUCE on top!
And it got even better when I came home to see how many of my wonderful Facebook and blog friends had been SHOPPING in my Etsy shop yesterday! YAY! I DO have to go buy more mailers! LOL!I was a little more subtle with my display yesterday – back to my tried and true pale yellow, ACCENTED with my pops of purple.
It was an absolutely GORGEOUS day, no breeze to blow down our displays, and after the first dead 1/2 hour – a pavilion FULL of shoppers for most of the afternoon.
The interesting thing for me – that even though I had sale and clearance items – they weren’t my biggest sellers. In fact – I sold TWO of the items that just came back from Shiawassee Art Center -
Everyone was cheerful, happy and apparently very willing to part with their hard earned dollars yesterday – ALL of us had a wonderful day.
So even though I wasn’t wearing pink to bring in the sales – one thing I can tell you from experience – and it spoke volumes yesterday – NEVER start breaking down your table early. Or if you do – only take away unneeded display items like florals or small signage. My BEST customers yesterday were a mother and daughter that showed up JUST before closing – and just kept buying and buying until well after the 4pm end time. And that’s just fine by me! The event organizer even got in on the fact that I was still there – and was my last sale of the day! AND that mother and daughter booked a home party girls night out!
Had I started packing up early I never would have had that last $100 worth of sales. THAT’S one of MY secrets to success.
Well – gotta run, girls. Off to the post office to mail SOME and buy mailers to mail MORE. Keep those sales coming, kids. I appreciate it so much. And while the current traffic is nice, it probably won’t prompt me to keep the shop open. I MAY extend the close date, but the current sale and shipping discounts are the magic ticket – and the sale ends 8/30. Still plenty of time to save – www.etsy.com/shop/shescool.
Peaceful beading,
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