
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Waking to the SUN!

It's almost here!  I can feel it with every added minute (and now HOUR) of daylight in the morning.  I cannot wait for spring.... I had hoped I would be able to reveal all my fun spring ZNet designs to you today - but Hope's still tweaking that Glossi!  So gonna have to be another post - which will also be the contest post.  Probably just random comment/share - but winner will have their choice of jewelry or beads.

And another development since last posting - the BEADS are BACK!  Check out the Etsy shop, and use coupon code Cool20 for 20% off both bead and jewelry purchases until Friday, March 21st.  Still listing almost daily - still have about 1/4 of a tub to go....

So in honor of the almost-ness of spring - I will leave you with a few photos of gardens past...I am always excited and amazed at what blooms and how my garden grows each year...almost as rewarding as the bead designs flowing out of my head!

Bella likes to drink from the fountain.... and smell the flowers...

Is it any wonder I get any beading done in the summer?  I literally live out here from morning until night.  I CAN bead at my garden table, and I HAVE, but most of the time the fairies and the magic keep my attention all by themselves...

I love my garden - and it loves me.....

Peaceful beading,

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