Beads, dogs and
. They are EVERYWHERE. Every trip outdoors for the dogs consists of a new swarm of the little varmints coming in. I swear they've colonized and are attempting to assimilate us. Resistance is futile. Almost. They don't seem to be immune from the red menace (aka the fly swatter). It's our only line of defense.
On a happy note: The Lansing Art Gallery has ok'd my proposal to TEACH a beading class this winter! They had never offered adult classes in the past (they gear the learning experiences more toward children), but are offering some new and different options this term. THIS is what I'll be offering:
I hope to have it available in 3 or 4 color themes, so I need to get busy and put together PROFESSIONAL kits. The class is going to be held at the gallery on Wednesday evening, December 7th. You can be sure I'll be posting updates and reminders right up to last minute - or til it's sold OUT! Wouldn't that be a kick?On a happy note: The Lansing Art Gallery has ok'd my proposal to TEACH a beading class this winter! They had never offered adult classes in the past (they gear the learning experiences more toward children), but are offering some new and different options this term. THIS is what I'll be offering:
What else has been happening?
I'm also preparing some classes at Coyote - A two week Feng Shui workshop, and THIS:
but we're hopeful! As soon as the Labor Day holiday is over (can you believe it's just a few weeks away?) and the kids are back in school (can you believe THAT is only a few weeks away as well?) - we expect the shoppers to be out ready to start checking things off those holiday lists. I spent a couple of hours today rearranging not my booth - but some of the consignment and gift shoppe booths and items. Dawn knows that I enjoy 'decorating', so she let me go wild. I hope they were ok with it. I guess I'll find out next time I'm there - they could just change it all over again! lol I don't think they will, though. It's not something they enjoy. I am paying the price this evening though - don't usually get that kind of strenuous activity for so many hours at a time. My back and my knees my never forgive me. As long as my swattin' elbow is still in working order...
Peaceful BUZZ FREE beading for all this week,
Peaceful BUZZ FREE beading for all this week,
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