
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

DEFINITELY No turning back now!

Practically the moment I hit the SEND button for the FMG contest - I found out that I'd been accepted into ONE MORE!

I had sent my application to Battle of the Beadsmith MONTHS ago; sort of forgot about it, set my sights on Bead Dreams, gave that up, set my sights on Fire Mountain (plus another local competition), completed and entered those - and forgot about BOBS.  Thank goodness for GOOD Facebook friends!

So starting tomorrow - April 1 - the RACE IS ON!  I have until around the first part of June to complete, and PROFESSIONALLY photograph the piece.  And I'm starting from scratch, of course.  At the time that Renetha informed me I was on the list - my brain was still in the FMG contest zone.
Had to come up with an entirely different, new, unique and totally COOL plan.  Lucky for me - I was able to dream it up!  FIRST the NAME CAME - and then digging in the drawers (even in the early wee hours while waiting for the coffee to be done dripping) came up with the components.  Ready, set, BEAD!

I don't think we can reveal too much about our pieces - but mine is "Michigan themed".  That's all I'm sayin'.

So fun and games time, girls.  Play days, open house, the Battle, and finally,


Peaceful beading,

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