
Monday, April 26, 2010

Photo Blog

I realized as I was flipping through the many, MANY blog sites that I visit, that I don't post photos of my work often enough.  I've been posting newly finished works when I complete them - but somehow that all of a sudden doesn't seem enough.  So for the next few days (or until something exciting happens) I'll be posting photos of some of my OLDER work.  Some I still have around, some I own and wear, and some have sold.  No matter what, they all have a place in my heart.  I LOVE to bead....
This photo is "A Day at the Beach".  I sold this piece during a six month exhibit at a local gallery.  Fringe and peyote tubes, pearls and lots of actual sea shells. 
More tomorrow.....

1 comment:

Sparkle Queen said...

Great necklace! It's funny that you write about not posting photos often enough.

A friend of mine, Lisa Crone invited me just over the weekend to partake in the 6th photo game. I did and it was so much fun going back to the beginning of my blog and looking at the journey of my jewelry. I'd like to invite you to play along too!

Have a terrific week!