
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bee-utiful free time

I'm kinda likin' this no TV thing. We decided about a month ago to ditch the Dish, and haven't found an antenna yet that will get more than one station. I love having more time to read and bead, and I don't have any distractions - no reason to say screw it and sit in front of the tube. We do have Netflix, which, when needed, fills the couch potato void quite nicely.    I DO spend more time on Facebook though - so those of you that don't like seeing my updates - don't say I didn't warn ya.  So because I didn't plop in front of Headline News and Kelly this morning, the work continued on 'Mr. Bee A. Buzz' instead.  This is a custom piece for a fellow vendor that has the honey/beeswax product business.   

I want to put a smaller bee in among the embroidery though, and just ordered it today - so I may have to set it aside and start on my next project:

No name yet.  Not really a plan, which makes it even more fun.  I think those are the ones that turn out the best for me - the ones that just 'flow'.....

Hope to get a bit of beading done on both of these today, but may have to work a bookstore shift this afternoon.  Just waiting for the call back.  Also had another Etsy sale!  yay!

So off to at least the post office. 

Have a beautiful, peaceful, happy dancin', beady day,

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