
Monday, July 23, 2012

Germ free blog post- I hope

Sorry I've been remiss with posting this week - I've been down for the count with a nasty summer cold.  I'm a little 'different' when it comes to cold remedies - I am allergic to anything with an antihistimine, and 'sensitive' to many others, so taking something for relief is somewhat of a crap shoot. 
I did manage to finally feel well enough to bead a bit more on my "Chiclets" this morning:

Slowly but surely.  I may tuck it away for a bit though - I have several other projects that are demanding my time too.

I was going to have Bella tell you about this next thing, but since it's another 95 degree in the shade day outside, we can't get her out from in front of the AC vent:

So anyway.....
Don't forget the FIRST reveal of the Bead Soup Blog Party Challenge is THIS coming Saturday, July 28th.  I'm not revealing until the LAST date - August 25th - but there will still be lots and lots to ooh and aah over.  I'm bummed that the first reveal is Saturday - we have an out of town family commitment that day - so I won't even get to START to hop until Sunday!  I sure hope I feel better by then.  I know it's only Monday, but when you feel like crap, sometimes you think you'll feel like that forever....blah.
Peaceful, HEALTHful beading everyone,

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