
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A day with Rachel Nelson Smith!

Finally.  After a long 4 year break, I was able to once again attend a wonderful Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild class - presented by the wonderfully talented Rachel Nelson Smith, of "Seed Bead Fusion", and "Bead Riffs" fame.    Rachel is so bubbly, so gracious, so easy to work with.  LOVE her big giant pony bead demos! 
I wanted to post a photo of the finished project, but you'll have to use the link above and go to the classes and events section under RNS's class descriptions - today's fun piece is entitled "Chiclets".  It's a unique, three strand, peyote and RAW creation embellished with montees, montees, and more montees.
Class took place from 9am (we didn't actually start beading until 10) until 4pm (we were at a stopping point at 3:30)  We took about 45 minutes for lunch (Qdoba)  in between.   THIS is how far I got during all that time:

I KNOW, right?  It doesn't look like much!  But really - it was a little more than some of the other class attendees did - it isn't as easy as it looks - or sounds.  I hadn't worked with RAW in several projects, and expected it to come right back to me when I started.  Alas - maybe more like remembering how to ride a bike - it was a slow process, but I got there.  FINALLY.  Not sure when - or IF - I'll finish it in RNS's original design - but I do hope I at least finish something wearable - someday.
A fun day - for all of us.  Even my friend Sharon, who drove us, in construction and rush hour traffic - in the rain.  :0(  :0)
Hoping to be able to attend next month - next MONTH - when Sherry Serafini! makes an appearance.
Peaceful beading,

1 comment:

Rachel Nelson-Smith said...

That was a fun day, how is your project now? :)